

Box is the most basic layout entity representing a rectangular block that can be put into containers.

Turning a div into a box describes its relationships with its parent more than with its children. In other words, box style tells you nothing about how the items are arranged inside it but it tells you how this element behaves relative to its neighbors in the same container.

Let's create a couple boxes to get familiar with them.

  1. Import karkas/styles and create two boxes inside the root div by creating two tdiv nodes with style = box():

    import karax/[karaxdsl, kdom, vdom]
    import kraut/context
    import karkas/styles
    import ../pages
    import ../state
    proc render*(context: Context): VNode =
      currentPage = Page.index
      document.title = "index"
        h1: text "index"
        tdiv(style = box()):
          p: text "Box one" 
        tdiv(style = box()):
          p: text "Box two" 
  2. Build the app:

    $ sauer make
  3. You should see this in your browser at http://localhost:1337/app.html#/:

  1. Let's make the boxes visible bye adding borders around them by mixing in custom styles:

    import karax/[karaxdsl, kdom, vdom, kbase]
    import kraut/context
    import karkas/styles
    import ../pages
    import ../state
    proc render*(context: Context): VNode =
      currentPage = Page.index
      document.title = "index"
        h1: text "index"
        tdiv(style = box().merge(style {border: kstring"solid"})):
          p: text "Box one" 
        tdiv(style = box().merge(style {border: kstring"solid"})):
          p: text "Box two" 

    Rebuild the app with sauer make and refresh the browser page:


Stack is a rectangular container for boxes. There are two kinds of stacks: vertical and horizontal.

Let's put our boxes into a stack and play with the way they fit inside it.

  1. Add a new tdiv with style hStack:

    import karax/[karaxdsl, kdom, vdom, kbase]
    import kraut/context
    import karkas/styles
    import ../pages
    import ../state
    proc render*(context: Context): VNode =
      currentPage = Page.index
      document.title = "index"
        h1: text "index"
        tdiv(style = hStack()):
          tdiv(style = box().merge(style {border: kstring"solid"})):
            p: text "Box one" 
          tdiv(style = box().merge(style {border: kstring"solid"})):
            p: text "Box two" 

    Rebuild the app with sauer make and refresh the browser page:

  1. By default, a box takes as little space inside the stack as possible. To control how much space a box “wants” to have, set its size param:

    import karax/[karaxdsl, kdom, vdom, kbase]
    import kraut/context
    import karkas/styles
    import ../pages
    import ../state
    proc render*(context: Context): VNode =
      currentPage = Page.index
      document.title = "index"
        h1: text "index"
        tdiv(style = hStack()):
          tdiv(style = box(size = 1).merge(style {border: kstring"solid"})):
            p: text "Box one" 
          tdiv(style = box(size = 2).merge(style {border: kstring"solid"})):
            p: text "Box two" 

    Rebuild the app with sauer make and refresh the browser page:

By setting size values for the boxes inside a stack, you control the proportions of space distribution between the boxes. In the example above, we set the second box to be twice larger than the first one.


Let's now use karkas/sugar to make our code less noisy and more pleasant to work with.

We'll use <- func to merge styles. It has several useful properties compared to its built-in merge counterpart:

  1. It automatically converts string to kstring.
  2. It automatically applies style to the passed (StyleAttr, kstring) array.
import karax/[karaxdsl, kdom, vdom]
import kraut/context
import karkas

import ../pages
import ../state

proc render*(context: Context): VNode =
  currentPage = Page.index
  document.title = "index"

    h1: text "index"
    tdiv(style = hStack()):
      tdiv(style = box(size = 1) <- {border: "solid"}):
        p: text "Box one" 
      tdiv(style = box(size = 2) <- {border: "solid"}):
        p: text "Box two" 

Rebuild the app with sauer make and refresh the browser page.

The result is the same but the code is now more approachable: