
Building web forms is one of basic tasks in web development. Let's build a form with Karkas by combining stacks and putting the form elements in boxes.

  1. Create a new page in the tutorial app by running this command inside tutorial folder:

    $ sauer pages new forms --default
  2. Open src/tutorial/pages/forms.nim in your favorite editor and edit its content:

    import karax/[karaxdsl, kdom, vdom]
    import kraut/context
    import karkas
    import ../pages
    import ../state
    proc render*(context: Context): VNode =
      currentPage = Page.forms
      document.title = "forms"
        h1: text "forms"
        tdiv(style = {width: "500px"}):
          tdiv(style = vStack())

    Our form is a vertical stack of fields, empty so far. This is why we're using vStack() style.

    Note: The outer fixed width div is there just to prevent the form from taking the entire page.

  3. Now let's add a couple of inputs to the form:

    import karax/[karaxdsl, kdom, vdom]
    import kraut/context
    import karkas
    import ../pages
    import ../state
    proc render*(context: Context): VNode =
      currentPage = Page.forms
      document.title = "forms"
        h1: text "forms"
        tdiv(style = {width: "500px"}):
          tdiv(style = vStack()):
            tdiv(style = hStack(direction = rightToLeft) <- {margin: "10px"}):
              tdiv(style = box(2)):
                input(name = k"first_name", style = {width: k"100%"})
              tdiv(style = box(1)):
                label(`for` = k"first_name"):
                  text k"First name:"
            tdiv(style = hStack(direction = rightToLeft) <- {margin: "10px"}):
              tdiv(style = box(2)):
                input(name = k"last_name", style = {width: k"100%"})
              tdiv(style = box(1)):
                label(`for` = k"last_name"):
                  text k"Last name:"

    Each field is a horizontal stack of an input and its label.

    Note that we set direction param in hStack to rightToLeft. This makes it more natural to code our fields: instead of “label-input,” we describe a field as “input-label.”

  4. Build the app with sauer make and open http://localhost:1337/app.html#/forms in your browser. You should see something like this:

  1. To complete the example, let's add another field with a textarea and three radio buttons:

    import karax/[karaxdsl, kdom, vdom]
    import kraut/context
    import karkas
    import ../pages
    import ../state
    proc render*(context: Context): VNode =
      currentPage = Page.forms
      document.title = "forms"
        h1: text "forms"
        tdiv(style = {width: "500px"}):
          tdiv(style = vStack()):
            tdiv(style = hStack(direction = rightToLeft) <- {margin: "10px"}):
              tdiv(style = box(2)):
                input(name = k"first_name", style = {width: k"100%"})
              tdiv(style = box(1)):
                label(`for` = k"first_name"):
                  text k"First name:"
            tdiv(style = hStack(direction = rightToLeft) <- {margin: "10px"}):
              tdiv(style = box(2)):
                input(name = k"last_name", style = {width: k"100%"})
              tdiv(style = box(1)):
                label(`for` = k"last_name"):
                  text k"Last name:"
            tdiv(style = hStack(direction = rightToLeft) <- {margin: "10px"}):
              tdiv(style = box(2)):
                textarea(name = k"about_me", style = {width: k"100%"})
              tdiv(style = box(1)):
                label(`for` = k"about_me"):
                  text k"About me:"
            tdiv(style = hStack() <- {margin: "10px"}):
              tdiv(style = box(1)):
                input(`type` = k"radio", id = k"white", name = k"color", checked = true)
                label(`for` = k"white"):
                  text k"White"
              tdiv(style = box(1)):
                input(`type` = k"radio", id = k"blue", name = k"color")
                label(`for` = k"blue"):
                  text k"Blue"
              tdiv(style = box(1)):
                input(`type` = k"radio", id = k"red", name = k"color")
                label(`for` = k"red"):
                  text k"Red"

    Rebuild the app with sauer make and refresh the browser page: