
In the closing part of the tutorial, we'll create a layout to be used on all pages of the tutorial app. We'll build it as a separate module that is imported by individual pages.

The layout will consist of a top navigation panel and the content block underneath it. The navigation panel will have basic logic preventing the user from going to the page they're already on.

  1. In the tutorial app folder, in src/tutorial, create a file called layout.nim with the following content:

    import karax/[karaxdsl, kdom, vdom]
    import karkas
    import pages
    import state
    proc render*(body: VNode): VNode =
          for node in body:
  2. Now, do two things in src/tutorial/pages/index.nim, src/tutorial/pages/forms.nim, and src/tutorial/pages/notfound.nim:

    • Add import ../layout under import ../state.
    • Replace buildHtml(tdiv) with layout.render buildHtml(tdiv) do.

    For example, src/tutorial/pages/index.nim should look like this:

     import karax/[karaxdsl, kdom, vdom]
     import kraut/context
     import karkas
     import ../pages
     import ../state
     import ../layout
     proc render*(context: Context): VNode =
       currentPage = Page.index
       document.title = "index"
       layout.render buildHtml(tdiv) do:
         h1: text "index"
         tdiv(style = hStack()):
           tdiv(style = box(size = 1) <- {border: "solid"}):
             p: text "Box one" 
           tdiv(style = box(size = 2) <- {border: "solid"}):
             p: text "Box two" 
  3. Rebuild the app with sauer make, open it in your browser, and make sure that nothing changed. Except that now, we have factored out common logic to a shared module, which we can now edit and thus affect all pages at once.

  4. Open src/tutorial/layout.nim in your favorite editor and update the code:

    import karax/[karaxdsl, kdom, vdom]
    import karkas
    import pages
    import state
    proc render*(body: VNode): VNode =
        tdiv(style = vStack()):
          tdiv(style = topPanel() <- hStack() <- {padding: "10px", boxShadow: "0 0 10px"})
            for node in body:

    We've set up basic structure for our layout: a vertical stack with a panel at the top and a content block at the bottom.

    Note how we describe the top panel. By composing topPanel() with hStack() and custom styles, we define a full-width horizontal stack container with padding and shadow.

    Rebuild the app with sauer make and check the new (now empty) panel:

  1. Now let's define a proc that generates a navigation entry and invoke it in the top panel. Based on the current page, it shows either a link to a page or just its name:

    import karax/[karaxdsl, kdom, vdom]
    import karkas
    import pages
    import state
    proc navEntry(page: Page, url, caption: string): VNode =
        tdiv(style = box() <- {minWidth: "50px"}):
          if state.currentPage != page:
            a(href = k url):
              text k caption
            text k caption
    proc render*(body: VNode): VNode =
        tdiv(style = vStack()):
          tdiv(style = topPanel() <- hStack() <- {padding: "10px", boxShadow: "0 0 10px"}):
            navEntry(index, "#/", "Index")
            navEntry(forms, "#/forms", "Forms")
            for node in body:

Rebuild the app with sauer make and see the complete app with navigation: